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Door Entry
Elvox K40517.E Video Door Entry Kit - 1 Door, Colour
- Integrated Wi-Fi smartphone forwarding
- Remote answering of video door entry call
- VideoDoor App
- Slim and stylish design
- 7" touch screen colour display
- Hands-free Communication
- Visual Call indicators
- Easy clean - COVID friendly
- Clear audio
- Sleek design entrance panel
Elvox TAB 5S UP Audio/Video Door Entry Monitor Handset
- 5" touch screen colour display
- Wi-Fi Port for VideoDoor App
- Remote answering to video door entry calls on smart devices
- Receive and manage calls from up to 5 sites
- Up to 10 users notified of incoming call per sight
- Slim and stylish design
- Hands-free Communication
- Visual Call indicators
- Easy wipe-clean surface - COVID friendly